LERenováveis (in English READ Renewables) is an online database of simple, universal and free access, that gathers renewable energy publications about Portuguese-speaking countries and regions where they belong.

This was an initiative of ALER – Lusophone Renewable Energy Association which AMER – Mozambican Renewable Energy Association joined and recently MWE- Mozambique Women of Energy, it is expected that other partners will join in the future.

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Why Off-Grid Energy Matters 2024
Author(s): 60 Decibels
Published in: March 2024
Off-grid Renewable Energy Statistics 2023
Author(s): IRENA
Published in: December 2023
Adaptation and Resilience in the Face of Climate Disasters in Mozambique: The Role of Off-Grid Solar and Energy Access
Author(s): AMER; GOGLA
Published in: December 2023
Plano de Electrificação das Zonas Fora da Rede
Author(s): República de Moçambique
Published in: December 2023
Plano de Electrificação em Zonas Fora da Rede
Author(s): República de Moçambique
Published in: December 2023
Código das Energias Renováveis
Author(s): República de Moçambique
Published in: December 2023